This Ability Limited

Who We Are

Founded (and run) by the self-described "Disabled AF" adventurer and continual work-in-progress, the multiple award-winning Sulaiman R. Khan, in 2016, ThisAbility® Limited is one of the most respected Global Majority Disabled-owned equitable businesses that champions, amplifies, and centres Disabled people, unapologetically and unconditionally.

Do not follow the path. Go where there is no path to begin the trail.

— Ashanti Proverb (Ghana)

Disability, daringly. ThisAbility® Limited works with socially conscious brands to tackle deep-rooted ableist systems to enact Disability Justice. We are driven to help these brands divest from ableism to become anti-ableist ecosystems and shift from socially conscious to socially impactful by integrating Disability culture. In doing so, ThisAbility® Limited helps to reset cultural standards (values, beliefs, and narratives) and catalyse a fundamental paradigm shift toward Disability liberation.

We are planting anti-ableism into creativity. Right now, we’re helping socially conscious brands become anti-ableist, socially impactful ecosystems. Our services include public speaking, consulting, creating accessible and liberated ecosystemic design, and creative strategy. In short, we aim to create a more accessible and just world where Disabled people can thrive and succeed, not despite their Disabilities and accessibility needs, but because of them.

As a B Corporation™ certified business and a business proudly owned (and led) by “a Global Majority Disabled AF Oracle”, we are an unapologetic, fully remote team currently based across the UK, with a global footprint. Our eclectic team, representing a broad spectrum of Disabilities, is at the heart of our B Corp certification. This certification means we’ve made a legally binding commitment to prioritise the needs of our staff, clients, community, and the planet (including flora, fauna, and funga) before the needs of our shareholders, ensuring all feel valued and ethically represented.

We work tirelessly to ignite, amplify, and invest in Disabled creativity worldwide, thereby ensuring a liberated future for Disabled people and, ultimately, collective liberation for all.

Our business may be limited in name, but we are unlimited in imagination.

ThisAbility is a registered trademark of ThisAbility Limited at The Intellectual Property Office of the United Kingdom. UK Trademark number: UK00003954170.

In addition, we're Pro-Disability and pan-Disability – For anyone who cares about centring Disability within their socially conscious brand.

We open the eyes of leaders of socially conscious brands to see the potential of the hugely untapped (and underestimated) Disability Culture without any toxic "business case" examples and tools.

So, apart from bringing you a more significant, comprehensive resource for solutions to problems, we aim to bring socially conscious brands the mindset, tools, and knowledge to centre Disability and Disabled people in everything they do. We support these brands to become anti-ableist, socially impactful ecosystems.

ThisAbility® Limited – Disability, daringly.

And though she was talking about a different, mature topic, we agree with what Cindy Gallop said during her infamous epic TedTalk from 2009. It is relevant to how we feel about what we believe needs to happen in business to have greater liberation and intersectionality of Disability (and Disabled Creativity):

"... I have no problem realising that a certain re-education, rehabilitation, and reorientation has to take place..."

You can read more about our Purpose, too on our Golden Spiral page:

Golden Spiral

So, are you a socially conscious brand? Be bold, be wild, be fearless. Our business may be limited by name, but we are unlimited by imagination, and the future (for us) is bright.

Are you curious, compassionate, and courageous enough to become an anti-ableist, socially impactful ecosystem? Be brave and centre Disability, daringly.

Are you in? We got you x